Wednesday, 25 September 2013

I Think I Found "The Recipe".

And, of course, I didn't take pictures of the process or the finished product.  Why would I?  That would just make sense.  At any rate, I needed bread and decided to surf the net and see what I could find.  The recipe that stood out to me was Rose Levy Berenbaum's recipe for The Pullman Loaf (courtesy of the description "...soft like little clouds in a loaf.  It's the bread Wonderbread wishes it were.").  And oh my good gracious, it is amazing.  Soft like little clouds in a loaf.  Light and fluffy without being insubstantial.  Tasty, tasty, tasty.  No chemicals.  I am in love.  Hopefully The Man will be, too, because it cost me about 50c to make two loaves.  I can do 50c.  Now, if only I could find a way to get fresh milk from home, without buying a cow.

In absence of pictures of what I actually made, here is a picture of what I'm going to make for supper on Friday.

When I cook it, I hope this gourmet white pizza with chicken doesn't look so pixelated.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Happy Autumn!

Boy, it's been a while since I last posted.  I apologize for my lack of verbosity, and will attempt to make amends by filling this sentence with pedantic-sounding words.

Now that I've done that, here's a little catch-up.

We celebrated the beginning of fall in Edmonton this year, where the days were warm and the nights were cool.  Autumn was definitely in the air!  I think it's my favourite time of year -- or rather, that it would be, if it weren't for how soggy it is here on the West Coast.  I have dreams of experiencing an autumn that looks something like this

instead of something like this

I'm sure you can all see the appeal in the first picture.

However, regardless of the weather, fall does bring with it increased opportunities to bake.  This fall my goal is to find a bread recipe that The Man will actually eat and enjoy.  I grew up eating homemade bread, and one of my favourite smells is the smell of freshly-baked (or freshly baking) bread.  In fact, the fresh-baked bread smell is what my mum swears sold one of her homes, so I must not be alone in this.  I'll keep you all posted on my progress, anyway, as I go through what I'm sure will be hundreds of recipes, one at a time.

Fall also means non-baking comfort food.  I think that pretty well anything that comes out of the oven qualifies as comfort food, but I especially look forward to soups, stews, and casseroles.  Besides not eating much bread, The Man also doesn't eat much soup, so I hope to find some recipes that he can -- or rather, will -- eat enthusiastically.

Food posts also means that I will delve into food photography this year.  Yikes!  Photography has never been one of my skills, so bear with me.

I think that pretty well catches up on the important things.  The next post will, I promise, be much closer to this post than this post was to the last.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

All Quiet on the Home Front

Well, not exactly quiet.  August has kept us hopping, with a trip to the Cariboo, lots of camps, one last trip to the Okanagan, and now getting ready for school.  We've also made dill pickles and canned and frozen peaches, with enough, I hope, to keep us supplied through next year.  Now things are settling back down, ready for the start of school on Tuesday and a return to normalcy.  Routine, at least.

As I sit on my comfy bed and write this, I can hear the thunk-thunk of wood being tossed into a wheelbarrow, ready to be carted around back and stored until burning season next year.  Our woodshed is blessedly full, waiting to be slowly emptied as we stuff the wood stove full and enjoy the crackle and pop of a roaring fire.  I only wish the stove were upstairs, not down.

There are a myriad of things on tap for us come September.  School, an out-of-town wedding, drying apples, cleaning house.  One of my goals this fall is to get my house in order.  (Isn't that always one of my goals?)  It seems that no matter how hard I try, life keeps getting in the way and the disorder gets out of hand.  But let this be my promise, friends!  Before fall fades into winter, I will have a home that has less clutter and more peace.  But, more on that at a later date.  No before pictures.  I'm too embarrassed.

On that note, I sign off on this little update.  Cheers to you, and may the autumn see you well and happy.