Tuesday 6 August 2013

Camping in the Cariboo

If you check in here regularly, you may have noticed that the last several days have been pretty quiet.  That's because this August long weekend, The Man and I took the family camping in the Cariboo for the first time.  We packed everyone and the family dog into our 25-year-old 12-passenger van and hit the road early on Friday, and arrived at Green Lake just before dinner time.  It's a beautiful, and, surprising to us, rather large lake nestled in the beautiful south Cariboo, just outside of 70 Mile House and about a 7 hour drive from our home near Vancouver.

 Like I said, everyone and the family dog.

We got rained on the first two days we were there.  The sky would start out blue in the morning, and by mid-afternoon would look something like this:

Half blue, and half stormy.  It started raining shortly after I took this picture.

Now, this picture doesn't give a very good idea of how very black that storm cloud was, but I assure you, it was black indeed.  It also had a lot of rain in it.  A lot of rain.  Fortunately, and thanks to The Man, our campsite looked like this:

We spent lots of time at the beach, made some friends (for the dog, too), and the boys and I even got treated to a quick spin along the lake in a boat the day that we left.  The water was Caribbean blue and so clear that I could see the thirty feet down to the sandy bottom from where we were.  It wasn't quite Caribbean warm, but it also wasn't as chilly as many other lakes in the north, and the cold water was very refreshing during the hot parts of the day.

Camping marked the middle point of the summer and now we're on the downhill slope, headed for September and a return to school.  There are still a few more adventures left for this summer, though.  I hope you enjoy whatever adventures remain for you!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Cariboo soooo much. The dense green trees, wide open skies, and abundance of history in the area have stolen my heart since I was a child. I have some relatives in Prince George, so that ensures I've always got an especially good excuse to head north! :)

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Interesting tidbit of information about me...my first real job (aka, not babysitting and the like) was as a waitress one summer in Barkerville.
